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Twisting Yoga Poses Book is available in paperback or as a download. This yoga book is unique in that our bodies can move deeply away from the midline creating this squeezing effect. Twists are cleansing for the stomach, intestines, pancreas, liver and gall bladder creating a detox effect.

Twisting Yoga Poses for Breast Cancer Recovery and Lymphedema Management

Twisting Yoga Poses Book
Twisting Yoga Poses Book is unique in that our bodies can move deeply away from the midline creating this squeezing effect. Twists are cleansing for the stomach, intestines, pancreas, liver and gall bladder creating a detox effect. The kidneys and the digestive tract receive a deep massage when twisting back and forth. Then once you release from the twist, fresh blood rushes back into the organs, cleansing and purifying it. The Cleansing Breath, which is appropriately chosen helps in the removal of toxic debris in the blood, lymph and cell tissues. By clearing out toxins in the body, and tensions in the mind, our mind, body and spirit can return to a natural state of calm, contentment and caring. This simple and potent understanding that releasing and squeezing has a profound healing potential. We chose an amazing medicinal herbal tea, Essiac Tea. Essiac tea helps restores energy levels, rebuilds the immune system and helps the body fight off illness or disease and so much more. The specific selected oils treat damaged skin, ulcerations, scar tissue, wrinkles, eczema, burns, and a variety of health disorders including respiratory problems, stomach upsets, skin infections, blood impurity, stress and insomnia.

Twisting Yoga Poses

By Diana Ross in Healthy Lifestyle Yoga Books

86 pages, published 8/9/2012

Twisting Yoga Poses Book is unique in that our bodies can move deeply away from the midline creating this squeezing effect. Twists are cleansing for the stomach, intestines, pancreas, liver and gall bladder creating a detox effect. The kidneys and the digestive tract receive a deep massage when twisting back and forth. Then once you release from the twist, fresh blood rushes back into the organs, cleansing and purifying it. The Cleansing Breath,…
The information contained on this website is intended to provide helpful and informative material on the subject addressed. It is not intended to serve as a replacement for professional medical or fitness advice. Any use of the information in this book is at the reader’s discretion. The author and publisher disclaim any and all liability arising directly or indirectly from the use or application of any information contained on this website. A health care professional should be consulted regarding your specific situation