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Seated Yoga Poses Book
Seated Yoga Poses book explores a deeper openness through gentle flowing movements. Arm movements assist in opening the chest, stretching breast tissue and stimulating the lymphatic system. We included Complete Breath, a breath that brings a deeper awareness of unconsciously held tensions in the mind and body. By focusing on the breath there is an ease of feeling present in the moment which allows tensions to leave or decrease, as well as physical feelings of fatigue. This breath encourages nourishment to the body due to increased oxygen consumption. Every herb and oil focuses completely on stress, anxiety, fatigue and insomnia relief. Hip opening poses are an added benefit to opening the seat.

Seated Yoga Poses
 for Breast Cancer Recovery and Lymphedema Management 
Seated Yoga Poses Book is available in paperback and as a download. This yoga book explores a deeper openness through gentle flowing movements. Arm movements assist in opening the chest, stretching breast tissue and stimulating the lymphatic system.

Seated Yoga Poses

By Diana Ross in Healthy Lifestyle Yoga Books

40 pages, published 8/8/2012

Seated E-book explores a deeper openness through gentle flowing movements. Arm movements assist in opening the chest, stretching breast tissue and stimulating the lymphatic system. We included Complete Breath, a breath that brings a deeper awareness of unconsciously held tensions in the mind and body. By focusing on the breath there is an ease of feeling present in the moment which allows tensions to leave or decrease, as well as physical…
The information contained on this website is intended to provide helpful and informative material on the subject addressed. It is not intended to serve as a replacement for professional medical or fitness advice. Any use of the information in this book is at the reader’s discretion. The author and publisher disclaim any and all liability arising directly or indirectly from the use or application of any information contained on this website. A health care professional should be consulted regarding your specific situation
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