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Relaxed Yoga Poses Benefits
Relaxed Yoga Poses Book is available in paperback and as a download. This yoga book is clearly the book of deep relaxation and emotional release. Through these therapeutic poses a unique understanding will build on how to relieve stress, anxiety, fear, and depression through stillness, and through proper breathing.

Relaxed Yoga Poses
Breast Cancer Recovery & Lymphedema Mangement

Relaxed Yoga Poses Book
Relaxed E-book is clearly the book of deep relaxation and emotional release. Through these therapeutic poses a unique understanding will build on how to relieve stress, anxiety, fear, and depression through stillness, and through proper breathing. Here the foundation is formed to “pay attention on purpose� letting the mind become quiet so any emotional suffering can be dissolved. The poses are simple so that they can easily be tolerated by everyone for an extended period of time. The autonomic nervous system (which consists of Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Nervous Systems) will begin to balance out through the ease and comfort of being in the present. Cortisol levels (stress hormone) will lower and GABA levels (chief inhibitory neurotransmitter)will regulate excitability which all benefit the entire well being on many levels. Right thinking and continued clarity of mind will direct you toward making the right chooses for health and happiness. Sun Moon Breath is perfect to continue with balancing. The right and left side of the brain will bring much needed energy, clarity and focus. The herbs and oils are a diverse blend for digestion, insomnia, irritability, burns and emotional support.

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The information contained on this website is intended to provide helpful and informative material on the subject addressed. It is not intended to serve as a replacement for professional medical or fitness advice. Any use of the information in this book is at the reader’s discretion. The author and publisher disclaim any and all liability arising directly or indirectly from the use or application of any information contained on this website. A health care professional should be consulted regarding your specific situation
Relaxed Yoga Poses

By Diana Ross in Healthy Lifestyle Yoga Books

70 pages, published 8/8/2012

Relaxed Yoga Poses book is clearly the book of deep relaxation and emotional release. Through these therapeutic poses a unique understanding will build on how to relieve stress, anxiety, fear, and depression through stillness, and through proper breathing. Here the foundation is formed to “pay attention on purpose� letting the mind become quiet so any emotional suffering can be dissolved. The poses are simple so that they can easily be tolerated…